
Tailor-made projects to maximize the benefits due to the installation of ParcusTM Generator in your facility.

Sustainability is an act of responsibility


Given the data on average consumption reported in this example, it is estimated that to produce such quantities of hot water in a year it would take about € 63,000.00 of diesel (or about € 45,000.00 of gas), which would put 122,000 kg of CO2 in the atmosphere.

A recent study by Politecnico di Milano University and the subsequent elaboration of the Autopromotec Study Center on the responsibility of CO2 emissions in five large Italian cities reveals how the heating systems of buildings contribute on average 64% to CO2 emissions compared to 10% deriving from vehicular traffic and 26% deriving from industrial activities.

Ecological savings on CO2 emissions is one of the fundamental objectives to be achieved to save the economy and the environment. Find more information below on Net-Zero Emissions and Carbon Neutral.

Let's run the numbers

Here is how much money can be saved and how many kg of CO2 would consequently not be released into the atmosphere annually.

of diesel (or about € 43,000 of gas) SAVED
of CO2 NOT RELEASED into the atmosphere
0 kg
of diesel (or about € 2,000 of gas) USED
of CO2 RELEASED into the atmosphere
0 kg

Like removing 300 cars from city traffic


The saving of CO2 not released into the atmosphere is equivalent to REMOVING 300 CARS, which produce 125g / km of CO2 and travel 3,000km / year, from city traffic.

The CO2 emissions produced cause a strong environmental impact: they increase climate warming and worsen the quality of the air we breathe, mostly a phenomenon found in large cities.

According to the aforementioned study, 10% of CO2 emissions in large cities derive from vehicular traffic – which obviously cannot be reduced by installing a Domestic Hot Water Generator but gives an idea of how precious any help is for our ecosystem.

The GENERATOR does its part by guaranteeing huge emission savings, given that the energy saved or produced from renewable sources leads to savings in greenhouse gas emissions, therefore a "saving for the environment".


Like planting 7,500 new trees in the city


As an alternative to the removal of cars from city traffic, the same is equivalent to what would be absorbed on average each year by PLANTING 7,500 NEW TREES IN THE CITY.

ParcusTM GENERATOR, designed for both energy and economic savings, is ultimately also and above all a powerful environment-saving machine.

Individually, a medium-sized tree essence that has reached its maturity and which grows in a temperate climate in a city context, therefore stressful, absorbs on average between 10 and 20 kg of CO2 per year.


Powering up this system with PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS means that consumption and emissions are set to zero

By combining ParcusTM Generator with photovoltaic panels with a peak of 15 kW, there is an economic saving of 100% on fuel consumption and consequently an ecological saving of 100% on emissions. Combining these technologies to power the constant demand for energy certainly offers obvious advantages. The savings on the bill are considerable, as is the increase in the value of the property and the improvement of the energy class. Making a concrete commitment to achieving a low-carbon economy and implementing an ad hoc strategy to combat climate change is not only an opportunity for companies, but is increasingly becoming a question of competitiveness.

Net-Zero & Carbon Neutral

Achieving “net zero emissions” means that any carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by a company's activities is balanced by an equivalent amount removed.

Defining something “Carbon Neutral” means that CO2 emissions, or the carbon emitted by a certain activity, are effectively “canceled”.