
An indispensable machine for energy saving, which can be installed in many contexts. Find out where it is applicable.


Where is it applicable?


In contexts of any size

The Generator is ideal for medium and large structures, wherever high energy efficiency is required.


Where it is necessary to reduce consumption

There are numerous places in which to intelligently recover thermal energy using waste water to significantly reduce new consumption and CO2 emissions.


Wherever you need to improve the energy class

It is ideal for increasingly modern new buildings as well as it is well adaptable to multiple renovations that require improvements in energy class.


Even in places with very high consumption

Its scalability to any size, by installing multiple units in parallel, makes it a suitable solution for any type of need.


In residential & commercial contexts

Many commercial, industrial or social gathering spaces are suitable for a Generator installation in order to save on management costs.


In modern residential environments such as condominiums with 50/350 family units, student residences, nursing homes, community homes , it is possible to obtain enormous economic and energy savings once the Generator is installed.


Even places such as hospitals, hotels, sports centers, spas and wellness centers, distilleries, barracks, community activity centers constantly have high costs for the production of domestic hot water.

Choose Sipa Microelettronica today.

A professional company with over 20 years of experience, with guaranteed results and a working method that combines rigor and passion.